Game changer il Mercato Centrale Melbourne to open Sep 19
Looking for a game changing foodie & cultural experience in Melbourne? Italian mega-market il Mercato Centrale Melbourne is launching on September 19 at 4pm, bringing a world class offering across 3,500 square metres, having revitalized the historic McPherson’s art-deco building at 546 Collins Street. It will be a powerhouse foodie experience for the best of Italian fare, including pasta, high quality meat and seafood, smash patty burgers, cheese, fresh bread, pizza, cannoli, Italian style coffee, wine, cocktails and more! Each artisan will also offer free educational classes each month.

It was a thrill to experience a media hard hat tour with il Mercato Centrale General Manager Gary Patikkis and check out the most anticipated development in Melbourne in years! We walked around the historical site now re-imagined, and it was amazing to hear about each artisan stall from the GM himself, as well as from well-known Melbourne entrepreneur and hospitality guru Director Eddie Muto (who gave us a tour of the top floor).

With restoration near complete of the historically significant McPherson building on Collins Street, @ilmercatocentralemelbourne will bring 23 “artisans of taste” and their know-how back to the centre of good simple food! We were told every artisan will have a "rock star offering".

Gary spoke of the great culture among artisans (who will use each other’s products), that you can order from various artisans in one order, that there will be a central bar, as well as a distillery and that il Mercato Centrale will open early and close late. The layout is multi-level and open plan and you can engage with the artisans. There will also be seating for about 1500 people.

il Mercato Centrale is a destination where food and culture come together! Personally I’m excited for them to become part of the fabric of this city!

Deeply rooted in tradition and culture, il Mercato Centrale will emulate the dynamics of a traditional Italian market square, promising an ever-evolving cultural hub, like its venues in Florence, Rome, Turin and Milan.

The launch marks the first il Mercato Centrale outside of its home country of Italy.