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Food, Fashion

QT Derby Day Breakfast with MINI and G.H. Mumm 2019

Derby Day is one of the iconic days on the Spring Racing Carnival and The World Loves Melbourne was invited to a stunning Derby Day breakfast at QT Melbourne sponsored by MINI and G.H. Mumm Australia. This event held at the QT Melbourne Rooftop has been a traditional highlight of the Melbourne racing and social calendar.

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MINI cars bringing guests to The Rooftop at QT for the annual Derby Day breakfast.

The best way to kick off Derby Day is on The Rooftop at QT for the annual Derby Day breakfast in association with MINI and G.H. Mumm Australia.  Images by The World Loves Melbourne (signature on the photos) and by official photographer Dijana Risteska.

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We were welcomed as soon as we stepped out of the lift with GH Mumm champagne in an exotic setting.

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Canapes were exceptional for the breakfast including a caviar station with Black Russian caviar the main attraction.

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Caviar dreams with shot of vodka.

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Rebecca and Marissa from Twice Blessed.

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Bar action with G.H. Mumm flowing.

With intermittent showers QT Rooftop was the perfect location with its recently installed retractable roof on the deck area.

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Tammy from W By White Wolfe.

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Hash browns with smashed avocado, quintessential Melbourne.

Several fashionistas and Melbourne and international identities arrived in stylish MINI cars.

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Celebrities included @mariathattil, @natkalinowski, @catspanti, @joshbozin, @montanafarrahseaton, @twiceblessed_, @wbywhitewolfe, @liznolann, @_samuellevi, @sharonjohal, @letitiasindt_, @maindinmelbourne, @gemkwatts, @ellebaillieu, @itsmejack, @sharonjohal, @melbourne.escapades, @alexander_dpj, @ajclementine_, @thenicktaylor,, @tarrah.alexandria, @brookemcauley_, to name a few.

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A sabrage ceremony was a highlight to unleash the G.H. Mumm champagne, using a saber to open the champagne bottle.

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Stunning cocktails.

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Memorable times in Melbourne.