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Food, Travel

The Real Cost of Coffee Film Screening by St Remio

We were invited to an exclusive screening of the film "The Real Cost of Coffee" by founders and husband and wife duo Trent Knox and Julia Tink from St Remio coffee, held at Craftworks in Abbotsford. St Remio have been celebrating farmers at origin (notably Rwanda) and the film emphasized the need for understanding the challenges and addressing them at origin. 

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As St Remio says "If we love coffee, we must understand the process of coffee and support the most important part of the supply chain, the growers themselves." St Remio are advocating for sustainable change, supporting growers at every level. 

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St Remio have created an amazing coffee community and are changing the face of coffee as we know it. They seek to "celebrate the people behind every cup. It's time to humanize coffee, one sip at a time. With each sip, you are contributing to a future where coffee farmers thrive, build better communities and sustainable livelihoods."

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"The Real Cost of Coffee" has been nominated and reached the finals in the Best Documentary Short category at the Cannes World Film Festival's "Remembering the Future" awards.

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To be honest most of us can resonate around "sustainable and ethical coffee designed to break the cycle of poverty at origin and change the world one coffee at a time". And the coffee itself is high quality! Available online through Amazon, stocked by supermarkets, as well as through the St Remio website.

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Appreciation on the night for @cannoleriabythatsamore @piemans_son @melbournemartini @dashdrinksau. And surely Craftworks boasts one of the best views in Melbourne.

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It's also been great to see St Remio deservedly favored and featured at large events around Melbourne. They are on the rise and rise! Global change!