You Know You're Australian When...
You know you're Australian when -
See our list below...
-You own several pairs of thongs including upmarket ones for "going out".
-You spend copious amounts of time at the beach but little time in the water.
-You drive your brand new car on the beach and don't care about surf and sand.
-Your beer has to be cold (not an option).
-You know when "beer o'clock" is.
-You think there should be more public holidays. Who cares what they're for.
-You enjoy the long distance drive between capital cities as no big deal.
-You find it hard to let go of your V6 or V8 for an "economy" car.
-You rarely eat pies but always at the football.
-You know Bondi Beach isn't the best beach in Australia.
- You're adept at putting on a croaky voice when "pulling a sickie".
-You trust people in the pub more than you trust politicians.
-You love to tell tourists embellished stories and point them in wrong directions.